Photo grabbed from weheartit LETTING GO. It's not as easy as letting go of eating an ice cream because you're on a diet. Giving up a fifty percent off shopping spree because you need to pay for your tuition fee; or holding back a night of party to study for your prelim exam in Accountancy. These things are easy to let go because you already know the reasons why you have to; but letting go the love you think you deserve takes a lot of time. I know that it's difficult to think right when you're emotionally damaged. Emotionally stabbed. You don't need to rush things in order for you to say that you're healed. You don't need to act like you're fine when you know that you're still not. You don't need to seek for the answers right away; it will come. What a cliche. But yes, it takes time. A lot of it, to be exact. Let go of that day, when you finally said "yes", when you gave him the chance to make you happy and make you cr...